Friday, February 27, 2015

Racing in 2 Days!!!

Pre-race jitters started today. Cannot wait to get out there! Having to tell myself it's too early to start packing gear and visualizing (read: obsessing) the race, gotta save that for tomorrow. So far though, prep has included:

- Making sure to bring three swim caps, including my thick rubber one, for the 55 degree water. Will probably only wear two. 
- Telling all my friends and housemates that I HAVE to be in bed by 10 tomorrow
- Periodically pulling my new Cal race kit out of the closet and getting pumped about wearing it and racing not just for myself for the first time
- Getting 9 hours of sleep the past two nights and spending 30 minutes a day on the foam roller 


  1. Good luck, Jon. You'll do great. Trust the training!

  2. Put that sweet race kit on now and wear it every place. If I had something one, I'd do just that!

    Is there a website for the race?

  3. Race website:
