Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Practicing my juggling

The last week has been an exercise in remembering priorities and maintaining balance. Hosting students interviewing for the BioE program at Berkeley/UCSF Saturday-Tuesday while having a ton of work to get done to wrap up my second rotation has really limited the time I've been able to spend training. Initially this caused a lot of anxiety for me. Losing the rhythm and routine that I've developed over the past 4 months just two weeks out from race day was really unsettling. But it's impossible to do any kind of good work with that type of stress, so I've kept myself focused on the following:

1) Trust the training - the Type A perfectionist in me says "you must do every workout you schedule or you're wasting all the effort from previous workouts." I've gotta trust that four months of fitness isn't going to go away with 6 workouts a week instead of 10. In fact, some extra recovery time is probably good. But my default is to push push push. 

2) Enjoy it! - when things are really busy, it's especially important to remember that I do this because it's what I love to do. Working out can't just be another thing on the schedule or the to do list. It's gotta be my time to relax and reset mentally. 

So for today, I'm making sure to savor the sunshine and enjoy the view from the pool before heading back to work.

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