Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Pain Train

Usually don't go to the team workout on Tuesday - it's a team trainer. Hard to justify leaving work early to drive my bike and trainer down to a parking lot and ride there. Lot of effort for something I can do on my own before/after work.

But yesterday was a workout called Pain Train - basically Brick repeats. 10 minutes at 40k TT pace on the trainer, transition, run up the hill to the track, and do a mile at 10k pace. Repeat 3x. Definitely a hard workout, but a fun one, and a great one for getting the legs ready to run off the bike. I gotta say, even the portions on the trainer were a lot of fun. 

Feeling it in the legs today, but in a good way. Working hard to stay on top of nutrition too. Volume and intensity have both been high recently and trying to make sure I'm giving my body enough to keep going. 

3.5 weeks to Clemson....

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