Saturday, April 18, 2015

It's been a while...

I've been away from the blog for a while. Two of the hardest weeks of training I can remember, with a lot of real life stress on top. But I made it to taper time and that's feeling great. Rode 1:30 today with 3x10 at race pace. Got home and felt like I had just warmed up. Makes me feel really good about my fitness. Time to just take care of the body and keep things lose for next week.

Been so lucky to be part of this team this year. Can't wait to race alongside these guys in Clemson next week!

Big shoutout to Kevin Karr - running Boston on Monday. No doubt he's gonna have a great marathon. This guy is a killer athlete AND knows how to run smart. Have fun out there!

1 comment:

  1. Thank, Jon!!!

    Great team photo! You are ready!!! Enjoy this moment in life! Wish we were all going to be there.
