Friday, May 1, 2015

Race Report Omission - Nutrition

Left something important out of my race report - nutrition! This was my first olympic distance race, so it was actually a bit of a question mark going in.

Pre-race breakfast was pretty typical: bagel with peanut butter and a banana, 2.5 hours before the race. Had just a tiny bit of coffee before leaving the hotel. Very careful with this as it sometimes upsets my stomach.

On the bike I had one bottle with 60:40 gatorade:water, with a saltstick tablet dissolved inside, and two Gu's, both with extra sodium and 50 mg caffeine. I had the gu's at the start of the first and second loops on the bike. Drank about 60% of the bottle (would have need all of it and maybe a little more if it had been sunny and hot). Took nothing on the run.

This worked out great. No stomach issues at all, felt energized the entire time. Only thing to change is maybe take another Gu within the first two miles of the run. Mostly a mental thing, might be a good pick me up.

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